Onward & upward
Shot in the dark
Gender clinic under review
Take care
Doctors disagree
Better, after
Flying blind
Is this fraud?
Gender on steroids
Lived expertise
'Stop the scandal'
Gender gong
Standard variation
Gender coup
In the dark
Not robust
Struck off
Public purse
Probe the clinicians
'Stop the harm'
'Trifecta of harm'
Political cred
O Canada
Real harm
Include me out
Make it so
Watch out!
Doubt in Denmark
Second opinion
Yes, our evidence is weak
It's official
Trans in society
Three Corners
Shine a light
Blocked & retorted
Hope amid the madness
The fear factor
'Top surgery'
Self-ID gender is not safe
'Forced to affirm'
Inquiring minds
'Told you so'
Off the trans train
Double jeopardy
'Not my daughter'
7-day countdown
Risky business
Court out
Pressure for proof
Breaking the chain
Data we need
Time's cure
What's new?
Join me on Notes
Red flags in Europe
Gender reveal
'Stop this now, Minister'
Off-label, on meds
Hormones first, research later
'Yes, it's an experiment'
Lessons of the Tavistock
'Untrusty' guide
Deeming rules
Which way to go?
Hard look
Time to talk
'Lies and suicide scare tactics'
Hormone hoax
Mother's milk
Pharma funding 'made no difference'
One-way treatment
Stop confusing sex and gender
Fool's gold?
First strike against puberty blockers