I just wanted to say, thank you again, Bernard, for the good work you do!

For all the refusal of science-denying advocates of "critical gender theory" to subject their claims to reasoned debate, I think that in the case of "gender affirming therapy", that debate will be forced on them, ready or not. It will come in the form of the legal discovery attached to the multi-million dollar lawsuits to come, starting with Tavistock in the UK, that will drag them into courts of law to justify their claims, and this debate will be in the permanent public record, outside the hallowed halls of academia, for all to see and study for years to come. It's sad that vulnerable children and their loving families have to pay the price for their ignorance, but I'm not sure it could have been otherwise. "Wokeness" is a devastatingly effective parasitic infection, and it's taken its hosts a long time to fight back.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023Author

Thanks Lee. And I think you’re right: the excesses of gender medicine are part of a wider pathology in the culture.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023Liked by Bernard Lane

From the article: "“The reasons behind the increasing numbers of children and adolescents identifying as transgender [are] unclear”

Possible causes included positive media coverage and less stigma encouraging more young people to be open about trans or non-binary identity"

I am 67 years old and gay.....came out in the 70s. A quick note on the above. When Kinsey published his report back in 1950 or so, the estimate was that 3 to 4% of adult males were homosexual....meaning sex and falling in love with other men.

I recently saw a new estimate (in the Economist?) that pegged the number at 3% percent or so. So, no to little change. And to be sure, this is not like 40% of Brown students labeling themselves as "not straight" which is affectation.

And what of the "trans genocide" and this likely being the most perilous times ever, according to HRC,? Not the most auspicious of things.

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When was the Brown survey done? Since terms and concepts around sex and sexuality were redefined by activists?

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

I saw it a couple of months ago...maybe less. Here is one source...there are many others.


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Thanks. It’s a ridiculous figure of course, and likely skewed by various factors.

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Some people say that the trans trend...not the older trans people.....are a kind of exit strategy out of "whiteness". A way of tarting yourself up.

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Hats off to Dr. Stathis for confirming what we already knew.

Confirmation that the evidence base is very weak and that the real long-term impact medications used is in need of serious question may open the door for more honesty and openness from those involed clinicians who must be harbouring doubts but are hesitant to speak out.

The oft-cited but exceedingly rare suicide threat need be put in the context of the mental health baggage that accompanies GD patients.

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Dr. Stathis is another brick in the crumbling wall of gender medicine that will continue to fall apart little by little. It seems to be a slow moving process toward the end, but so gratifying to see it coming apart.

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Brilliant work as always

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Wow. Excellent development- isn’t he the one discussed on Welcome to the Dollhouse last week?

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