Hooray for Dr. Spencer and the rest of the Aussie health professionals with integrity! I salute you all.

Many of us are lucky enough in life to avoid having our character so profoundly and publicly tested. To the rest of the health profession - time for the rest of you to show your worth!

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Well done, Jillian. The pressure you have been under is unforgivable, but your resilience and determination will have a long lasting benefit for gender questioning young people.

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I highly recommend the PITT Parents book.

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This is a great article from Jesse Singal:

"Why Did “On The Media” Stoke The Moral Panic Against Innocent New York Times Journalists Rather Than Investigate It?

Journalism and media criticism both require skepticism"


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Yes, he's sharp as a tack & much nicer with his dishonest detractors than he has a right to be!

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"Australian journalist Bernard Lane reported that Denmark is following the rest of Scandinavia in pulling back on youth gender medicalization. He noted that a key difference is “that the call for an end to medical transition of minors is being spearheaded by a mainstream LGBT group, the Danish Rainbow Council, launched in 2022 under the leadership of transsexual Marcus Dib Jensen. The organisation is pledged to child safeguarding and recognition of gender dysphoria as a mental disorder, while opposing the extremes of gender ideology.” So how in the heck is the Danish Rainbow Council considered mainstream in Denmark, but the LGB Alliance and its affiliates get tagged as extremists in the UK and abroad?? Do a deep dive on that, Bernard, please!"


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I just saw this from Reuters:

"The rise of anti-trans bills in the U.S."


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Does anyone know where I might find documentation about the origins and trajectory of "gender affirming" therapy in the context of the "critical" social justice movement? I know that students are being taught that whatever their future career may entail, their first and foremost responsibility is to push their social revolution, and that science is the bad guy that must be made subordinate to the tenets of critical theory, including standpoint epistemology, intersectionality etc. What I would like is information about the major influencers in the evolution of the GAT movement, papers they published, and so forth. If anyone can give me some pointers, I will be most grateful. :)

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I can't be certain but perhaps the seeds were sown in Basil Fawlty's 'Fawlty Towers'.

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