
Yes, I thought it an interesting video because it is so rare to see young people for & against medical transition brought together for discussion. The arguments for transition are familiar & formulaic & we see hesitation on the part of the detransitioner to engage forcefully. When I first began reporting on gender clinics it quickly became obvious that there were serious concerns. The arguments in favour of transition seemed superficial or misleading but I kept listening because at that stage, it was possible there were good arguments which I had to be exposed to. To me, this video confirms my feeling that the pro transition arguments don’t get any better. It would different if a biological marker for serious gender dysphoria were found.

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The policy in Victoria is extraordinary.

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I still find it unfortunate that many people don’t grasp that part of this environment of concealment is active suppression of information about children being coerced by adults into wildly inappropriate sexual behavior. 1) they hear from friends 2) go online and “chat” with “influencers” 3) coerced and encouraged to new sexual behavior, 4) mandate that adults not reveal any of this to parents under the auspices of “privacy”. If a child suddenly started to wear sexually suggestive clothing at school because a friend and then an adult had encouraged them to do so, there would be an explosion. But when sexually suggestive behavior and clothing is the opposite sex, it gets a pass. Nonsense. When I grew up as a gay child, it was had for me to believe heterosexual sex occurred because it was completely uninteresting to me. Likewise it’s often the case that people find it hard to believe gay sex occurs because it’s not interesting to them. There are a zillion sexual kinks and fantasizes. key here is that most people don’t grasp that coercing or forcing children into transvestism or transsexual behavior is a specific sexual fantasy for a small set of people, and it’s not benign. The internet has “rule 34” - google if curious. These children are being targeted by influencers as part of a fetish, it is enabled by adults around the children, and when the coercion fantasy stops they are abandoned.

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It’s not the same thing but we get ever higher percentages of young people identifying as “LGBTQ”.

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023

Bernard, I have listened to maybe 25% of the video and I've heard the following:

1. One of the individual who is trans-ed hints strongly that without the transition/medication, suicide would have been their fate. Tavistock, I believe, received 15,000 referrals from 2011 to 2020, meaning people on waiting lists/in treament. 4 are known/suspected to have actually committed suicide, 2 in treatment 2 in waiting lists. What are the chances that it just so happen the one of the interviewees would have met the same fate as one of the four.

2. I hear that "all medical associations" are in agreement about efficacy "gender affirming care". Yet in the US it is 3 organizations: American Pediatric Assoc, American Endocrine Society, and WPATH which actually are primary here, and the rest hum along. And we know at the level that WPATH operates.

3. One person states at length about puberty blockers being reversible and giving youngsters "time to think".

I just find it interesting that the interlocutor does not make any comments about those statements...and there were others, but I just stuck to the above.

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The analogy of the lunatics running the asylum is here and now!

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Exactly: "“A student who announces the desire to be publicly known in school by a new name, gender, or pronoun and is referred to by teachers and students and others by said new name, gender, or pronoun, can hardly be said to have a reasonable expectation of privacy or expect non-disclosure.” "

Basically everyone is to know but the parents....which is insane. As if the young person should automatically not trust their parents? If a teacher suspects abuse if a young person should come home with a bad grade or saying they have gender dysphoria or anything...they should report the parent to CPS. But this charade of making total fools of the parents in front of their child, colluding with the child, is what predators do. Schools should not.

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I doubt it. The 95% rate of sex dysphoria in children resolving to being gay lesbian at puberty is _virtually identical_ to the ratio of gays and lesbians in adult population to transsexuals, which was striking to me. When you have multiple completely independent samples (decades old studies of stable transsexual prevalence, gay/lesbian prevalence, modern dysphoria resolution) which have stable ratios, it’s worth taking note: as transsexualism and homosexuality is more accepted, the prevalence ratio is unchanged. So still, if transsexual prevalence doubles, triples, homosexuality would also double, triple. But it hasn’t as far as I can tell.

So, it would be unlikely for a teacher in their entire career to meet such a rare person, a child who is transsexual as an adult.

There are perhaps 200 children in this year’s US graduating class who will go on to be that adult transsexual.

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