Articles like these make me ineffably sad.

Sex is real. People can be more or less happy with expectations society communicates to a person based on their sex.

“Gender” is a not real. It is a pseudoscientific term, much like the term “race”, used to create the appearance of a real concept imbued with the rationality of science, when nothing is further from the truth.

The term was plucked from linguistics by John Money more than 50 years ago to confer on medical mutilation of child genitalia an aura of scientific respectability, inevitability. Science is rife with similar stories, one needs to look no further to past wartimes to see similar “scientific” models.

There is no meaningful of the word gender with respect to humans which isn’t made factual simply by referring to sex. Gender is immaterial, has no mental locus or neurological test, and time spent fixating the source of such a fiction absolutely no difference than Medieval philosophers’ attempts to locate the soul in the brain, the heart, the liver.

Well-written, almost precise, and an example of absolutely meaningless institutional and personal twisting to accommodate a bankrupt idea.

Ineffably sad.

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Tsk, only a bigot would suggest a susceptibility to social media suggestion in (checks notes) the Tide Pods generation

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I remember when the "gay gene" was "discovered" in the early 90s. And I remember immediately wondering, When will they discover a "straight" gene?

I have since learned the model organism used in the search was the fruit fly(drosophila), totally expected since it's the model organism for gene/chromosome research since early 20th century. But I have also learned that the scientists never defined what they meant by "homosexuality" in the experiment and therefore considered the event in which one male fruit fly tried to "mount" another male as homosexuality....and therefore..."gay gene". I was skeptical then, skeptical now.

In terms of "gender", does it mean "sissy/fem boys" and "masc/tomboy girls"? Is that what is meant as "gender dysphoria"? I have heard that there are 60 genders to that any noun can be a gender...yes, any noun. If that is the case, would there be a near infinite number of genes or that there are infinite interactions that bring about infinite genders. NO gate keeping, remember! I believe three about 20,500 in the human genome.

BTW, the rush to make "gender" a genetic event is existentialist. Once something is biological, outside the realm of the social/human will, it is also unclassifiable as sin.

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What Google said:

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes.

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