This shows that MDAN made a very good decision to withdraw indemnity for gender affirmation treatments.

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Australian indigenous persons aged 15 to 24 years have five times the self-harm and four times the suicide rate of their non-indigenous counterparts.

Although I can find no reference as to the prevalence of gender dysphoria (GD) in indigenous children and young, I assume that it would not be higher than the non-indigenous group and would probably be significantly lower.

The extent taken to prevent self-harm and suicide in non-indigenous GD cohort includes hormones and complex surgeries as outlined in this article when (as an aside I can find no documentation of a single suicide related to GD in Australia).

Meanwhile the indigenous statistics remain as referenced with no apparent sense of urgency.

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I am late getting to this and I am horrified. I am just struggling to understand how professional medicos can do this to minors. I also wonder how many teaching staff in medical schools in Australia these days have any actual clinical experience

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. . . . and the 'bottom surgery' story is where it gets really frightening.

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