HOLISTIC defined as:

Characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole.

The term is often used in the fringes of medicine, the naturopaths, homeopaths, iridologists and the like.

What is required in gender medicine is EVIDENCE, something sadly lacking in the ‘affirmative model’ of managing gender dysphoria.

Gordon Guyatt, distinguished Professor of ‘Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact’ at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario is the guy who coined the term ‘evidence base’.

He’s no slouch when it comes to insight into what’s OK and what’s not when it comes to ‘dicey’ medical interventions.

He nails the those who argue that the affirmative model for addressing gender dysphoria is somehow evidence based: "When there's been a rigorous systematic review of the evidence and the bottom line is 'we don't know,'" he says, then "anybody who then claims they do know is not being evidence based."

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The dogged commitment to this approach by its defenders despite its obvious and cruel harms to children ( and vulnerable adults ) is so inexplicable that it makes me doubt their sanity. And the reflexive retort that the Cass report has no relevance to Australian children - apparently accepted as the end of the matter as far as various health ministers are concerned - is bizarre. What is wrong with these people?

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A possible answer is cognitive dissonance. The release of the Cass Report could easily cause this in gender clinicians who believed they were above scrutiny and also in a very lucrative situation. When a person suffers inconsistency with their beliefs, they may suffer emotional disturbance which causes them to rationalize and lie.

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In the case of the few gender clinicians who have undergone sexual mutilation themselves, there is a simpler possible explanation. Every surgery they do validates their own surgery.

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"Our evidence base has great, big gaping holes in it. See? It's holistic"

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I remember the time when the word 'wholistic' came into circulation. It was related to the word whole. A few people misspelt 'wholistic' as 'holistic', perhaps they thought it was related to the word holy. This became the dominant spelling. The word is often used to make something sound better than it is. When applied to surgery, drugs, etc., it is a misuse of the word. It is no surprise that people who use the term 'gender affirming care' add the word holistic.

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Great to see this assessment of the Maple Leaf Clinic, it seems to have flown under the radar. Well done for speaking out, I appreciate your worries about being targeted.

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A multidisciplinary team who went on to set up Maple Leaf House threatened us with our child’s suicide if we didn’t agree to a referral for hormones, belittled us leading to our child’s alienation & then prescribed hormones at the second appointment (against our wishes). That was our experience of a multi disciplinary team.

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