I cite a brief overview of two papers relating to the outcome following gender ‘transition’

First: “Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden” (Feb 2022).

This is a significant paper From the prestigious Karolinska group given the large number in the cohort and the long post-transition period duration in the study (324 sex-reassigned persons (133 F>M and 191 M>F)) and the period covered by the study - 1973-2003, thirty years!

The study (readily available on the internet) found substantially higher rates of overall mortality, death from cardiovascular disease and suicide, suicide attempts, and psychiatric hospitalisations in sex-reassigned and a higher risk for criminal convictions in transsexual individuals than their respective birth sex controls.

. . . and Second (perhaps a little less scientific than the first . . . . )

“Transition as Treatment: The Best Studies Show the Worst Outcomes

Sexuality” (Transgender 2020)

Honest interaction with the medical literature throws up enormous warning signs, and adults are not the only ones who will pay the price for not heeding them. How will young people who are medically transitioned prior to adulthood fare psychologically after thirty years of transitioned life? What percentage of the medically transitioned have since detransitioned? How many suicides are contained within the groups that are lost to follow-up?

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Well done Chile. Applying statement analysis to what Tabia says, indicates likely deception. Boy's breasts? Dangerous breasts? Also other issues. I question the psychological health of some of these gender clinicians. How could anyone have taken this person seriously?

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It seems that there are many adults who cannot tolerate children's unhappiness, which leaves them willing to do anything to stop the pain. But they don't seem to care about the pain of the non-trans identifying children, who are a much larger group. There's something about the word 'trans' that sends the pathologically altruistic into overdrive…

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Thank you!

So the person pushing these treatments doesn't know that the suicide risk hasn't been shown to go down with interventions? Wow.

I wonder how long they track their patients!

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Those of us who sought , and worked hard, to become doctors did so out of a desire to help. The inexplicable metastasis of the social science based gender identity ideology, to that relatively small subset of collaborating medical practitioners remains the result of the triumph of empathy over rational science and evidence. We were trained to look for patterns when trying to reach a conclusion, and we might see an explanation within the demographic make up of the activist drivers, and we can only ponder on whether the outcomes of vulnerable children might have been different if the lead medical clinicians within the children’s gender clinics had been less filled with a demographic of those with a more pragmatic approach, and less so to be , frankly,victims of misplaced genuine compassion. Sexist , of course, but more say in the hands of male paediatricians and psychiatrists/ psychologists, might have kept medical input within its lanes? Pesky biological differences might be relevant ? Just a thought

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I have a thought about 'genuine compassion', which is that its shadow side is that it also confers special status upon the compassionate, eg, 'I'm more sensitive to the marginalised than you are… I care more than you do', which, in my experience, can be used as a way to shut down conversation around this topic. It's a kind of *narcissistic tendency to want to be special, masquerading as care for others (*narcissistic used here not as an epithet, but as a descriptor of an aspect of personality).

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What you well identify Catherine is the ubiquitous new hierarchy of social values emerging where the once well earned genuine competence occupied a generally acknowledged prime position, to now be replaced by Virtue. Of the “ pathological altruistic “ sort. One can never be too virtuous it seems.

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FWIW, give me well earned genuine competence any day…

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Phallophobia, mastophobia. Good article good halt.

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“ MORE “ filled with a demographic of those with a more pragmatic approach “…

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