Jun 28, 2023Liked by Bernard Lane

Thanks for this post of Dr Pertot's very clear and compassionate paper. I also provided a submission against the legislation and watched all hours of the committee process. It was alarming to see the extent to which gender ideology had captured the Labor Party members and had already influenced changes to Anti-Discrimination law. Evidence presented by Women's Forum Australia and others such as Dr Pertot, about the risks involved in gender self-id (17 pages of evidence from around the world from WFA), was summarily dismissed as "not evidence" and one member indicated they required peer-reviewed research papers to count as such! The parliamentary committee system is the only check on majority government in a uni-cameral system. I imagine the same fate awaits new hate crime legislation.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Bernard Lane

Dear Dr. Pertot, thank you for this article, am praying that it gets read all over the world. You are standing up and stating reality. I live in the United States, and we are so torn with the avalanche of the pushing of "affirmative care", even to our youngest children. It has come down to whether you live in a blue state (liberal) or a red state (conservative), as to whether children are safe, (at least to 18 years of age). In America, young people 18 and older can serve in the armed services yet cannot legally drink until 21. Car rentals are restricted here, yet children 13 years of age are receiving mutilating surgeries and drugs used off prescription, with irreversible consequences. Studies have shown that the human brain is not mature until at least 25 years of age, and this is not even considering people who are autistic or mentally ill. I know your focus is on self-id, (which is another aspect of immediate "affirmative care" with no regard to reality) but you bring out so many good points, I wanted to affirm you, and let you know you are being listened to in America. Please continue to let your voice be heard. You may be retired, but we need your professional, scientific take on this heartbreaking issue that has hurt so many, my family included. I have 3 brilliant, talented, and hurting grandchildren caught in the social contagion, cult, whatever this is. Thank you, stay safe. Love, Indio.

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Excellent article, from a professional with extensive experience and obvious concern about the many people likely to be damaged by these dangerous new laws.

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“I can only answer that in good faith we thought it was a good idea”

Dr Pertot’s logically presented submission was ignored in a place where the age-old principles of caution and debate in medicine appear secondary to a new order of urgent priorities

“Often the parents have been subjected to emotional blackmail from gender-affirming health professionals, who use the threat, ‘Do you want a dead cis child or a live trans child?’”

Perhaps those gender-affirming health professionals could look closer at the basic principles required to ensure the safety and efficacy of experimental medical interventions, particularly when vulnerable children are involved and the intervention is sterilising and irreversible.

I cite a recent example of a dreadful outcome those principles were ignored:

In 1998 The Australian Medical Association (AMA) marketed the Intravaginal Sling Tunneller device as an “Australian medical design breakthrough” to treat incontinence and prolapse in women, a condition that can follow pregnancy.

The device did not undergo a trial to confirm safety and efficacy and and resulted in a litany of dreadful complications including: dyspareunia, intractable pain, incontinence, infection, systemic autoimmune conditions, organ perforation and invasion of the vaginal wall.

The device was withdrawn by the TGA in 2018.

Thousands of women globally were irreversibly damaged with legal payouts to the tune of US$8 billion.

“I can only answer that in good faith we thought it was a good idea”

Dr Michael Gannon (then President of the AMA)

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Perhaps what we see is an example of “ when ideology drives emotions, it’s easy to characterize what you want to believe as fact”?

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Some attempt to understand this inexplicable “ fertilization “ from social science has been postulated to be part of gaining of “ Queer Theory “, which is core Marxist/ post modernism, the aim being to delegitimize the family, as being the core unit in nurturing children, in favor of State control. This suggestion is open to derision by the activists, on the grounds of it’s origins being of religious/ Christian teachings, hence easily dismissed as conspiratorial. Medical training, apparently, does not provide protection from adoption of such post modern thinking to those so inclined. Our once dominant moral and cultural moorings, from which we are now adrift, facilitates embrace of alternative ideology. The two basic tenets which underpin any civil society, being , respect for law and order( and a fair judicial system) and an ideology, one that enough of it’s citizens are prepared to defend. Christianity, warts and all, have sustained us for a couple of millennia, and it’s decline resulting in “ once you believe in nothing, you could believe in anything “. It seems medical training provides no disincentive to the embrace of postmodernism from which Gender Studies were born within the Social Sciences and Humanities. Such metastatic incursion has been relentless over the last , something like, four decades. Any suggestion for an alternative and plausible way of viewing our predicament ?

We are in trouble, and until it is ultimately successfully challenged, the beast just gets stronger. The protagonists have been prepared to fight harder, and currently taking no prisoners.

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Given the unlikely chance that I might offend anybody sharing this site, to illustrate the linguistic manipulation with which we are obliged to follow, the biological fruit salad was well set out by Andrew Doyle ( aka Titiana McGrath) British satirical social commentator and author; “ we need to be aware that lesbians can be non-binary, gay men can be lesbians, non- binary gay men can be straight lesbians, straight lesbians can be non- binary bisexuals who are attracted to cisgender non-binary men. This really is not all that difficult “ Such can be said without an iota of satire, as it just clarifies to where we have progressed

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