Thanks for this effective overview which I think is a very useful resource for sharing with others who are fairly new to this set of issues. It’s reminded me to read the full text of the framework document.

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• A person or thing that is popular or fashionable among a particular group or section of society.

• A system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator

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A very clear summary.

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Presumably this Gender Identity ideology has limited its metastatic spread to Western societies. We can postulate whether it is just one “ target” for social activism, along with the various Critical Theories ( race being the big one) designed to shift power. Of all Western societies, we in Australia, have long had a more alert set of BS detectors, so let’s hope we can lead the pushback to the linguistic manipulation. Satire might be our best weapon, as illustrated by Andrew Doyle , a British author and satirical commentator with; “ we need to be aware that lesbians can be non binary, gay men can be lesbians, non binary gay men can be straight lesbians, straight lesbians can be non binary bisexuals who are attracted to cisgender non binary lesbian men. This really isn’t all that difficult, we all just need to keep up”

None of those claims warrant offense, as they are direct quotes from

various social activists, and when put together as a claim, most Australians will still be most likely to respond with a good natured laugh and a “ fair dinkum?” Let’s hope common sense and a sense of humor from Australia can “ metastasize” back up the chain.

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