I find the arrogance of the activists unbelievable. They have largely managed to avoid public discussion and achieved many changes through stealth and dirty tactics. These include vexatious litigation, threats of litigation, e.g. threatening to sue schools, targeting children, intimidation, harassment, crying victim, deception etc. etc. The activist approach is anti-democratic, anti-freedom of speech, anti-intelligent and anti-mature. They have helped to create the very lucrative and violent trans production line.

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I don't think the DSM altered gender identity disorder to gender dysphoria to avoid stigmatisation. The DSM is filled with dozens of personality disorders. These include tendencies to have angry outbursts, be controlling or bossy, tend to complain, tendency to tell lies, anxiety, mild depression, vanity about appearance, and lacking confidence, i.e. ordinary human failures. Arguably, everyone has at least one, albeit maybe a small degree. It was quite appropriate to call gender confusion a disorder.

In the 80s, pro-ECT psychiatrists said, "Stop saying ECT causes brain damage; it is stigmatising our patients". Now, it is accepted that it causes brain damage. The point being is my view is that the avoid stigmatisation claim is an excuse and the real reason was to help

create the trans child production line.

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Right. And your ECT comment reminds me of pharma's push to destigmatise 'mental illness' in order to make psych drugs more appealing… (I'm sure there are many other moving parts and my comment is not meant to be exhaustive).

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I confess that despite reading/wrestling-with the full extent of this article and surviving a significant slice of the you-tube (well, almost half of it) I am not really any the wiser as to the attributes of the queer theory and its capacity to enhance the wellbeing of humanity.

It seems that queer theorists spend a lot of time searching for chinks in the armour of our rather staid thinking, somewhere along the lines of: ‘two sexes that are in so many ways, complimentary and the basis of a good time together’

The bit where I do take exception and strongly object to this nonsense is when they mess with children, violate their God-given delicately balanced hormones and butcher their genitalia. Now that is wicked!

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This might cut to the chase, Vincent --- https://youtu.be/rjFIn7hC14Q?si=h1-S2qXeAq6YUOxx


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Queer theory, trans activism and associated anomalies are all part of the socialist plan to destroy the family; i.e. the normal (heteronormative?) family structure which is the underpinning of a good society. Socialism is anti anything normal, moral and dare I say Godly. It's a fight for the children, the next generations. God help us!

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