Plastics. Truly depraved in my view.

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Given that gids is closing down and the model of care is being brought into accord with what the evidence does and does not say, I think Keira Bell was successful even though her suit was not won :).

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Fair point. She had an international moral success.

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The Society of Plastic Surgeons, complete with their fleet of Porsche, Mercedes and Maserati, are clearly suffering. What better way to buy fuel than to add another item number to their already ludicrous list of procedures. They are an embarrassment to medicine.

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Their paperwork reads like they’ve hired Queer Theorists from central casting.

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The hand of AusPATH no doubt

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This is what it looks like when someone sets out to inflate a bubble.

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On December 1, 1913, Henry Ford installed the first moving assembly line for the mass production of an entire automobile. His innovation reduced the time it took to build a car from more than 12 hours to one hour and 33 minutes.

With the predicted 50,000 children and young people in-line to undergo experimental irreversible sterilising and mutilating surgery it is mandatory that there be no delays. Funding for all components need be finalised to ensure efficiency and a positive outcome for investors.

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If you would like to have your say re the Plastic Surgeon's request for Medicare funding of "medical affirming care", here is the web page.


Public consultation is open until November 3.

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Plastic surgeons promoting mutilating surgery supposedly to prevent being bullied.


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