Cults do like secrecy; they need to act under cover of darkness in order to keep the truth hidden from potential recruits and from the public at large. I'm sure they have convinced themselves that they are doing so in order to "protect" the children they are mutilating and drugging from the "transphobic mob" that dares to question the tenets of their faith. Kudos for the few brave journalists that pass on the trans kool-aid and are asking the questions that need to be asked.

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MP Moira Deeming has been dogged in her pursuit of this issue with questions on notice to government ministers.

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In the US Congress it is only the right wing blowhards that are asking any questions at all; the left is uniformly in the bag for trans extremism.

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So commendable. Vital. And courageous.

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This again shows Melbourne's RCH as the 'Jonestown' of the trans cult in Australia. Victoria's weak media, together with a fully infected public service & neutered opposition will never let the truth be known. Thank God for Moira Deeming and the brave few who keep asking questions. Thank God for the journos like Bernard who dig below the surface. Thank God Victorians can still vote out the worst State government in our country's history.

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I wonder how many Labour & Green members of Parliament have allowed their female children to have their breasts surgically removed as “gender affirming care”? I know of two such cases and strongly suspect there will be more.

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The majority of children diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria (GD) will, if untreated find that the condition spontaneously resolve as they enter adolescence (termed: ‘Desisting’ as opposed to ‘Persisting’ for those whose GD continues into and beyond adolescence).

Multiple studies confirm that the rate of persistence of GD beyond adolescence is of the order of 10% - 25%, meaning that between 75% and 90% of children diagnosed with GD will find that that the condition resolves during adolescence when they will happily accept their birth gender.

There is no way of determining which child will persist or desist although the odds are heavily in favour of desisting

The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne Gender Service (RCH) received 634 referrals in 2022. In the 2022-23 financial year 154 Victorian patients were prescribed puberty blockers.

This suggests that 25% of young patients seeking gender affirming care have accessed puberty blockers. It is assumed that over 90% of those treated with puberty blockers progress to cross-sex hormones and often surgery with irreversible consequences.

Could it be that our gender clinics are a little overzealous in this field?

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Pleading tolerance I add the following to my earlier post:

“As mentioned earlier, symptoms of GID [Gender Identity Disorder] at prepubertal ages decrease or even disappear in a considerable percentage of children (estimates range from 80–95%) [11,13]. Therefore, any intervention in childhood would seem premature and inappropriate."

According to the study, by the end of the 5-year period, at least 60% of the youth had already started to take puberty blockers and/or cross sex hormones (the rate may be even higher since 8% of the participants did not return the questionnaires in the final 2 years of the study—if some of those children started on hormonal interventions, the researchers would not know). Given the focus that “gender-affirming” care places on the provision of medical interventions it is probable that many of the remaining 40% of youth in the study will proceed to hormones and surgeries.

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Two words come to mind: "prison term".

Just sayin'...

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The RCH have got a cheek to deny an FOI request. They behave like they think they are above the law and are not accountable for anything. As for an "onerous search", didums.

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I was having at look at https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-05-20/a-balancing-act/13352452

the abc report on the RCH gender clinic. There is a link to a response by Bernard that I wanted to read, but the link is broken. It does not matter which browser or device I use. It looks like the ABC may have shadow-banned Bernard's response.

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