Dec 31, 2023Liked by Bernard Lane

Happy new year to you Bernard & thank you for your hard work, persistence & integrity. You are one of the shining lights in this dark world of gender ideology. Your work is invaluable & so appreciated.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Bernard Lane

Thank you Bernard for the work you do . Like many parents of kids who have been captured by this ideology it's people like you who help to keep us reasonably sane!

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Thanks, Gay. Here’s to sanity! B

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Jan 1Liked by Bernard Lane

Thanks Bernard. I always look forward to your writing. Your work is vitally important, especially in Australia’s censorious media environment.

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Thanks, Joe.


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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Bernard Lane

It works!

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Phew. I am a newsprint journo & awkward with audio.

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Jan 1Liked by Bernard Lane

You sounded great

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Jan 1Liked by Bernard Lane

Happy New Year, Bernard.

I wonder if you can make the volume a bit louder on the podcast. And yes, it works!

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Thanks, dd! Will be more voluble next time. BL

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It is probably best to not expect much from the WHO in relation to insight and good judgement.

Let’s not forget that It was the current Director General of that August body, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who appointed the late Robert Mugabe, tyrannical leader of Zimbabwe for some forty years, as ‘Goodwill Ambassador to the WHO’.

The fact that Mugabe, among a multitude of other atrocities, was responsible for the slaughter of some 20,000 Ndebele tribes persons in the mid 1980’s, hardly a bounty of ‘goodwill’.

I don’t expect much enlightenment from the World Woke Organisation in relation to the current affirmative approach to Gender Dysphoria in young people.

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Happy 2024. Yes, the audio post was fine. When first contacting you a few years ago, I felt, naively, that if only people ‘in high places’ really understood how gender-questioning children were being seduced into the gender-affirming care cult, they would immediately put a stop to it. How could I have been so wrong? Here we are years later still fighting this evil on so many fronts. My own niece who lives in California has a 12-year-old son who has been encouraged by his classmates and class discussions to identify as ‘non-binary’. Sadly, his parents, who are bright if misguided people are buying into it. I’ve outlined serious concerns to my brother (father of niece and grandfather to boy) and he thinks it’s ‘no big deal’. I cannot raise this issue with other family, all who seem intent on affirming. Any expression of my concerns would cause a major family rift. It’s absolute madness. Having GCN and PITT articles helps me maintain some semblance of sanity. Thank you for that. I’m working on finding ways to conceptualise the entire issue to enable me to live with the madness in the long run. I've signed the petition, but not holding out any faith in the process....sadly.

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Yes, Deborah. I too thought the gender clinic model would unravel quickly once its weak evidence base & serious risks were exposed. And here we are. Even so, an ideology or worldview can suddenly lose legitimacy & support. The CIA famously failed to predict the collapse of the Soviet system.

Let’s hope that being non-binary does not mean medicalisation for your niece.


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I do hope your optimistic outlook materialises with this gender ideology issue! Thanks for the upbeat reply. d

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It works Bernard and Happy new year 🥳 to you too!

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thanks Helen & same to you!

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