In the interest of providing 'balance' to gender dysphoric children, I wonder if (the attached) video clip where Ms Zacchigna outlines her experience could be a part of the standard assessment process that children presenting at the RCH gender clinic would be exposed for the purpose of providing balance to their decision to 'transition'?

No, I thought not!

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Yes, I imagine worried parents confronted with teens who wants to transition might well ask them to watch some videos of detransitioners explaining why they thought they were "trans" & why they decided they had made a mistake.

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Unfortunately what I hear from a friend who runs a support group for parents of gender-confused kids is that these tactics don’t work. Once kids have been emotionally manipulated and systematically dissociated through exposure to this toxic ideology, it’s too late to change their minds through appeals to reason. It’s a bit like hoping to talk a kid out of smoking, taking drugs, anorexia or gang membership. Mere words are no antidote to a seductive delusion sold to them by schools and clinicians as a panacea for all emotional distress.

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To protect future vulnerable children will require such legislative support as is being mooted in Canada with a likely 2025 change in government . Lay legislators will require appropriate key clinicians’ advice to provide the politicians with the necessary courage of conviction to confront the ideological medical zeitgeist’s grip. In Canada , also a federation, the pushback will need to be, as in Australia, on State by State basis. Maybe Queensland could lead the charge here in Oz, come the revolution October next year? Intuitively it would prove a clear vote winner!

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"vote winner" - difficult call Andrew.

Australians currently seems to be predominately sympathetic to the Labor and Green ideology and there's would be little hope of anything logical in relation to 'gender issues' coming from them.

The shaming power of any divergence of opinion from the gospel of the left particularly among the young is another barrier. Things may change but it's surely not a given.

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Vincent, I would be quietly confident that most voters would be “ on side”, as, I think would a majority of key clinicians,Child and Adult Psychiatrists ( were they to be ever canvassed via a secret ballot/ voluntary plebiscite) and Paediatricians. The protagonists ( those who demand obligatory childhood gender “ affirmation “ treatment protocol) will come to be revealed as “ just”a noisy but powerful minority. They have bluffed the colleges, the politicians , State Health bureaucrats so far, and even the regulatory body AHPRA, the latter having openly confirmed that they take their lead from the current legislature! ( that rather shocked me, given the charter regarding protecting the public, certainly children, from inappropriate or dangerous treatments). All their skin and hair will be flying when it eventually hits the fan ,with class actions

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Yes, Andrew. There's a lot of "preference falsification" going on. We know it anecdotally from practitioners who have gone public with their concern & who report that many of their colleagues share that concern but feel unable or unwilling to say so publicly.


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I hope you're right Andrew and realistically there must come a tipping point at which the public at large accepts that this whole 'optional gender' concept is nonsensical and the politicians will then see the light.

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“Please let the [Conservative Party] be the one that stands for women and girls. It is not anti-anything, it’s pro-women.”

Having watched my country- the US- barely survive an attempted overthrow of the government, these words make me want to weep. It took real skill to reform the public image of the Trumpian GOP, but somehow the "critical social justice" ideologues pulled it off.

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Do you mean that Democratic capture by gender ideology makes the GOP appear moderate & sensible on this issue?

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Not just moderate and sensible, but positively heroic. Among people of conscience, there is no message more potent than "save the women and children". And this time, all Fox news needs to do is keep the cameras rolling. No need to lie. As was expressed in an earlier essay on this site, many Democrats have declared themselves to be "politically homeless". I understand on a personal level why that is, and it breaks my heart.

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Yes - the tide is turning! Against the seemingly endless wave of gender woo nonsense. There are indeed many former Dems who now consider themselves “politically homeless”, in my opinion they have seen the light. What a horror show this entire gender debacle has been. So much harm done to so many.

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