More encouraging news!

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Victoria’s human rights commission has ‘discretely’ done a one-eighty on and given parents right to refuse their errant child from access to puberty blockers.

Much of the civilised world has also had second-thoughts on the ‘affirmative model’ with quite recent and surprisingly rapid move to a ‘negation’ and/or ‘dissenting’ model.

Without access to puberty blockers our children will be much safer.

Thus far it seems RCH is holding fast despite the odds.

(The Battle of the Alamo, March 1836, a pivotal military engagement in the Texas Revolution. Following a 13-day siege the Americans were defeated)

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It seems to me disgraceful that a body charged with defending human rights would refuse to confirm publicly its abandonment of such a claim, with the result that parents are left in a state of uncertainty.

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Good analogy but I think the defenders of the Alamo were the heroes whereas I doubt that history be as kind to the RCH.

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The return of Mexicans as immigrants is referred to as the “biological reconquest”.

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This reads as French secularism versus a "sincerely held belief" in the magical gender identity. Vive la France!

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I think the strength of the psychoanalytic tradition in France is also a big factor, plus a rejection of what is seen as American psycho-imperialism.

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It figures. By historical coincidence, France is feeling very independent these days.

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