
Many people would agree, Vincent. The tricky group is 18-25 or so when the brain is matured (mine took longer).

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The age of brain maturity in males is at the upper end which is demonstrated by the very high incidence of motor vehicle accidents in under 25 males - and higher insurance rates

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I had a thought. If puberty blockers 'pause' maturity, then it would be logical to raise the age of consent to surgery to match. Say if a child delayed puberty for 2 years, then they would have to wait to age 20 instead of 18, before they could consent to surgery.

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Correct - “gender medicine” is sometimes child abuse.

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I'd remove "sometimes"

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Here's a suggestion:

NO to the whole concept of gender transition in children and adolescents.

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That’s interesting Julie. Can you say which is your country?

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Nothing makes the powers that be rethink more quickly than litigation - certainly not the health and welfare of vulnerable children and adolescents.

Recently I have noted the removal of material promoting Gender Ideology in the Community Health centre and other Community organisations I attend.

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I agree Julie - I think it’s litigation or the threat thereof that will stop this.

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