Fascinating that it’s Republicans who protect gay kids.

“Sex-trait modification procedures” is precisely the kind of bullshit prevarication that makes this all seem light and fluffy.

We’re not talking about “make-up” procedures involving lipstick and mascara. We are speaking of surgical mutilation of children’s genitals. There is no way to dress that up.

It’s not called “Female sex trait modification” by the WHO, or UNICEF, it’s called “Female Genital Mutilation”. That’s who I’d take a cue from, not Leo Sapir folks.

It’s precisely the same bullshit language as “gender affirmation”.

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In Oregon, the Democrats were adamantly against adding detransitioners to those covered by insurance. An incredible tell.

BTW, I understand that a similar dynamic occurred in Texas several days ago.

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This is fantastic news. This document neatly summarizes the case in readable prose. It can be distributed to Republican candidates for office at every level. Most of them (like most Americans) are simply unknowing about this crucial issue (due to the lack of truthful coverage by the mainstream media), but now there is a document that both explains things clearly and gives candidates license to talk about it, since it's a resolution of their party's national committee.

Once election season ramps up in earnest, I encourage all my fellow Americans to send this to their local Republican candidates for office, and let those candidates know that this is an important issue to you.

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I hope I can be forgiven for posting links to Erin Reed, but it's a good way to keep up with what activists are doing and thinking....and Reed is a pretty clear writer, though sins of omissions/commissions abound. Anyway, here is this from her latest:

"California Republicans To Try Anti-Trans Ballot Initiatives - Prop 8 All Over Again?"


The article includes this:

"Gender affirming care is associated with a 73% reduction in suicidality and over 50 studies assembled by Cornell University show its benefits. "

That is the Tordoff study which Jesse Singal critques....and you should read it because that study is widely touted (Reed, of course, says nothing about the big shortcomings of that Tordoff study):

"Researchers Found Puberty Blockers And Hormones Didn’t Improve Trans Kids’ Mental Health At Their Clinic. Then They Published A Study Claiming The Opposite. (Updated)

A critique of Tordoff et al. (2022)"



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"... I encourage the [Republican] Party, don’t say ‘mutilation’—that is a loaded term”

Yes, whatever evil ends the GOP aims for, they mustn't under any circumstances use loaded language. They've gone from seditious conspiracy to being protectors of innocent children against "Biden's woke cultural revolution"- no need to use hyperbole. /s

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