The tide is/has turned. Much of the world have seen the light, not so Australia:

• Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare has determined risks of puberty blockers and treatment with hormones “currently outweigh the possible benefits” for minors.

• The English NHS has recently stated that there is “scarce and inconclusive evidence to support clinical decision-making”

• In Denmark Most youth referred to the centralised gender clinic no longer get a prescription for puberty blockers, hormones or surgery—instead they receive therapeutic counselling and support.

• Sweden, known as a pioneer in LGBTQ rights, started restricting gender-affirming hormone therapy for minors - allowing it only in very rare cases.

• The Finnish Health Authority recently stated that psychotherapy, rather than puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, should be the first-line treatment for gender-dysphoric youth..

• The National Academy of Medicine in France cautioned practitioners to the fact that hormonal and surgical treatments carry health risks and have permanent effects, and that it is not possible to distinguish a durable trans identity from a passing phase of an adolescent's development

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Thanks for the overview of commentary and reaction to the WPPATH. It not only sad and indeed tragic that the MSM has ignored this scandal , but also pehaps the clearest indication yet that they are in total denial of any data or information that is at odds with their woke ideology. (maybe second in the US to their adulation of the BLM movement) And because of their ideology the quacks in WPATH will continue to be able to inflict irreversible harm on many of the most vulnerable in our society. Hopefully, many of those evil individuals will eventually be subjected to the shame and ridicule which they deserve, but also that they will be subject to both civil litigation and criminal prosecution.

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I was surprised at how much mainstream media coverage there was. I had low expectations.

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Thank you Bernard, again and again, for your pursuit of this horror. Surely this must be the tipping point!

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Thou Shalt Not Declare A Tipping Point, is my maxim. Seen too many come & go with not much change.

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The president of WPATH has performed over 3000 castrations. They are possibly the richest surgeon in the US. Here is an interesting link. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1169370302880669698.html

And there are businesses in Melbourne who benefit from WPATH.

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Has the Sydney Morning Herald or the Age Commented? I haven't seen that they have…

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