These developments are excellent news and Bernard is due great credit for his mighty battle to ensure public attention for this important issue.

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Good to see another prominent journalist on the right side of this.

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Bernard Lane

And the Dutch long term study dropped the 36% of people receiving this lifetime treatment who simply stopped coming to the clinic for their lifetime treatment. This clinic treats 95% of those in the Netherlands. Did those 36% restart anywhere? No one knows! The study simply dropped them! The authors point this out but not in their abstract.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Bernard Lane

At last, some sanity prevails. The Royal Childrens Hospital Melbourne, (which regards itself as a world leader in Gender Medicine) has close ties to the Tavistock and now requires a steady spotlight.

Thank you Bernard for your dogged and intelligent persistence in exposing this medicalisation of children scandal.

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Thank goodness for the comprehensive resource that is Gender Clinic News, keeping us all up to date on what's happening worldwide, while Australia remains mired in the mindless rut of the affirmation model, creating more and more demand for "services" that more enlightened countries now view as abuses. Will this mass experiment on children be viewed one day as equivalent to the Tuskagee syphilis trial? Anyone (especially health professionals) concerned about this growing medical scandal, and wanting a parliamentary inquiry to weigh up outcomes of the "gender affirming" approach compared to the old model, known as Watchful Waiting, please feel free to visit us here: https://www.facebook.com/WatchfulWaitingOz or email me, Jenny Kyng, at WatchfulWaitingOz@outlook.com

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A Most comprehensive coverage and one that gives most welcome impetus to further doubts as to the already tenuous ethical status of the affirmative model of managing gender dysphoria.

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