I am completely and utterly mystified by the lie of “reversible”.

A blocker is only reversible in adults past 25 or so, after they've stopped growing.

Endocrinologists know, or they shouldn’t be endocrinologists, that the removal of gonadotropin during rapid childhood growth is catastrophic. The combination of (at least) gonadotropin and human growth hormone is critical for a child becoming a mature adult in multiple ways, at least sexually, mentally, physiologically.

Look at this graph (growth hormone ranges by age from a paper at NIH)


You don’t “grow” after around 25. You do not have a peak again after 16. If you lose gonadotropin - “puberty hormone” over this period, it’s over. The train left the station and you're left on the "child" plago forever.

Simple question - havd you ever heard of someone who became adult size in a year of puberty? No? Then how is someone puberty blocked supposed to jump from child stature to adult stature in a year or so after blocks stop, say 18? Magic?

Imagine a child blocked from 12 to 18 - For a male does the penis "catch up" to adult size? Testicles? Can they orgasm? Ejaculate? For a female, does the vagina "catch up" to adult size? Ovaries, womb? Can they ovulate? Orgasm? How do they catch up without peak growth hormone?

And think. This is the stuff we see. What about the brain? The lungs? Bones?

Catastrophic. Don't take it on my word, Im not a doctor, but I can read medicine and I do understand biology, molecular biology.


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I request tolerance in repeating an earlier post I have posted to GCN as I believe it is relevant to to 'Evidently correct'

It is noteworthy that despite the widespread debate as to the unknown long-term effects of puberty suppression in children and young people that the Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital Gender Service website makes no reference to this. I quote the relevant statement from the RCH website:


Puberty blockers suppress the development of secondary sex characteristics and are used for adolescents in the early stages of pubertal development. As they are reversible in their effects, should an adolescent wish to stop taking them at any time, their biological puberty will resume".

"They are reversible in their effects" - Perhaps NOT?

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