The use of off-label puberty blocking agents in otherwise healthy children and adolescents, given their unknown long-term impact on neurodevelopment and osteogenesis (and who-knows what other possible ‘unknowns’), violates the most basic tenets of pharmacological prudence and ethics.

The fact that these agents are merely the precursor to ever-more dark and dreadful interventions makes their use even more reprehensible.

I suspect that this chapter of ‘advances in medicine’ will be reflected upon in the future with shame and disgust.

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If it was correctly named, drugs to chemically castrate children or drugs to sterilize children, I imagine it would be illegal in a flash

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Also, the Channel 7 Spotlight program might give other media outlets the idea and courage to broaden the publicity.

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I think the movement against this child abuse is gathering momentum. Soon, hopefully, there'll be no more of this gender reassignment medication and surgery. Some good MPs all around Australia, yourself and some good doctors as well as what's happening overseas. All very encouraging. Thanks Bernard.

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Use to be that activists would say, probably some still do, with unequivocal confidence that surgeries were rarely performed on children and genital ones none at all. Of course, that has now been shown to be totally false.

What I am now hearing is that doctors can correct bone problems associated with pub blockers...with Vitamin D and other measures. And I am hearing that, in response to the low/marginal quality of gender related studies, that 85% of medical procedures have low evidence, and I saw an example of that given: the setting of fractured ankle bones.

At this point, I have almost no, 0, trust in institutions in regards to this topic. Who knows what pressure will come on the FDA to say that pub blockers are just fine and dandy.

Interesting 3 minutes:


This is the same person.: pediatrician from Yale, Dr. Meredith McNamara who testifies frequently, I believe, to defeat bills blcoking "gender affirming care" in states.


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A few good lawsuits, such as Keira Bell v Tavistock, might help. As would insurance companies raising premiums on this radical 'treatment' - esp surgery.

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One way of looking at this is through reports by adults taking a drug like Lupron for endometriosis.

https://icarebetter.com/endometriosis-forum/question/what-are-the-long-term-side-effects-of-lupron one example is "After effects were horrendous!! Severe bone aches, ribs pain, fragile bones, hot flashes, brain fog, difficult decision making, upon seeing rheumatologist I was diagnosed with Lupus!!! Thanks to Lupron for spoiling my life.

Lupron is an example of a puberty blocker used on healthy children.

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