Brilliant analysis as always Bernard. Thanks for sticking up for Australian kids, despite the cost.

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‘Until recently, the APS leadership had not realised the extent or gravity of the international debate about youth gender medicine, GCN understands.’

One wonders how and why they are not part of international conversations.

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Failures in media reporting must take some of the blame.

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Along with activists like Riggs. His pronouncements on this topic are pretty shocking - clearly ideologically blinded.

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You have to wonder: are these psychologists charging normal professional fees when they just act as a rubber stamp?

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That’s what rankled with psychologists I spoke to — that their own clients would denied the benefits of an open & exploratory approach by virtue of this affirmative diktat.

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In Victoria, Qld and the ACT (and soon in Tassie), psychologists can be charged with "conversion therapy", for using any approach other than blind affirmation. It will be interesting to see how they will manage if their professional society changes tack and recommends a more orthodox approach - and indeed how psychiatrists in those states are managing this conflict now. Of course the most likely outcome is that all therapists who feel unable or unwilling to follow "blind affirmation" will just refuse to see these kids. So the most vulnerable are denied any care except that which funnels them into unnecessary medical and surgical interventions.

This is your legacy, Daniel Andrews.

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Yes & this is an international problem because a deceptive template has been deployed in jurisdiction after jurisdiction exploiting revulsion at the memory of gay conversion therapy & extending it to the very different entity of gender identity.

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Excellent piece, Bernard. Really teases out the ethical quandary many professionals are caught in. This ideological tyranny disguised as compassion effectively robs clinicians of their freedom of conscience, forcing those who don't subscribe to the medieval "born in the wrong body" theory to either pretend to believe or to avoid gender dysphoric clients altogether. It's pretty clear the opposite is happening, and also that some therapists are simply leaving the field rather than compromise their ethical principles. The ideological tail is wagging the clinical dog but practitioners have choices and many refuse to buckle to this system of coerced belief and coerced speech. Anyone keen to follow the Active Watchful Waiting Public page can do so here: https://www.facebook.com/WatchfulWaitingOz

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Yes, Jenny, therapists shouldn’t be forced to choose between doing their job properly or abandoning the gender issues field.

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