It was always a huge mistake propagated by zealous and well-meaning individuals who enthusiastically promoted something that they believed in.

The flaw was that their enthusiasm sidelined the most basic tenet in medicine with the introduction and promotion of an invasive, irreversible, mutilating and sterilising procedure in children that had not satisfied a level of scrutiny to ensure safety and efficacy.

Belief is never enough!

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Gender clinicians have argued that only the experts can pronounce on whether or not their treatments are experimental… guess who the experts are?

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The “ experts “ are the small subset of clinicians within the gender clinics who claim all knowledge and experience, and so declare invalid any challenge to “ gender affirming “ care. Such claims by the protagonists, specifically in relation to minors ( including those deemed “ mature minors”) find fertile ground within a clinical environment where empathetic consensus dominates over ,say, truth and reason. The observed largely dominant feminized demographic of clinicians making up the said subset, might go some way to explaining the reluctance to tolerate reasoned challenge, when it confronts feelings?

Biology , a core driver in much of human behavior’s variation , why should medical professionals be any different?

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As for "Tavistock was “routinely offering an extreme medical intervention as the first-line treatment to hundreds of distressed young people who may or may not turn out to be ‘trans’.”' - no young people turn out to be trans. It is not a state. If there was a trans gene, it would vanish within one generation.

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“ gender affirmative ’ care, specifically in relation to minors can be viewed as a facet of the “ gem “ of Critical Social Justice Theory, which has been exercised within academic, corporate and media domains ( the former being the birth place, from which it metastasized) , championed by the cultural Marxist activists from within the modern “ progressives” who have selected the battlegrounds of race, gender , indigenous status and nationality in apportioning oppressor or oppressed class status, based on ( falsely) claimed victim status. We in the medical profession have been sucked into this pernicious vortex by a powerful groupthink which has fought harder and rejects evidence based challenge

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